Mesh Content Creation in SL 2.0 Next Gen

NOTE that there are very differing reports relating to the info I referred to earlier. I have not found THE SOURCE of this info although I have been looking. So when found (hopefully) I will reference.  

MEANWHILE, my personal thought is that while those with Maya abilities will be FIRST on the scene simply for convenience of using the same program as The Lab, those using other programs will have the ability LATER. That only makes sense. Any other choice certainly seems to be retail suicide and since some sort of "tax on goods" is on the table, definitely not a smart move.


After some research I found the original talk that folks were reporting on, or in some cases misreporting.  So, I suggest that if you are interested you listen for yourself.  The 39 minute mark starts the info on the new platform. The YouTube link is here.

Mentioned in the talk, INWORLD BUILDING TOOLS are in the plan -- reported as NOT being a feature by someone :D.   3rd party tools integration is high on the list as is "easier dressing" (had to smile at that).  After the initial ALPHA stages, other third party 3D tools WILL BE SUPPORTED. 

A new program of AutoPay is in the works so that money can move out of Second Life  "in hours rather than days".   Lots of testing in the works apparently. 

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    # by Inara Pey - March 22, 2015 at 6:09 PM

    If you're interested, I have a full transcript on Ebbe's comments regarding the Next Generation platform at VWBPE, with the video and additional udio excerpts plus bullet points of his remarks after recording had stopped here

    I also have a similar transcript of his comments on the future of SL, the Lab's support of education, etc., here

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    # by Chic Aeon - March 23, 2015 at 9:25 AM

    Already read it :D. TY