A Creator's World
I have been meshing about the last few days, a lengthy process which turned out well. Along they way and toward the end there were many frustrations -- all Second Life based -- and that had me thinking about the promise (well statement anyway) that The New World was being built with creators in mind.
I made this little garden shed, cute little guy. Need him for MOSP but he is a product too since most things I make for LEA7 end up as salables. I am such a niche gal; I always want things I can't find. And there are a few folks out there that want those same "unusual" items (some MUCH less mainstream than my little garden shed). It works.
I uploaded the house to three other grids. The land impact varied with Virtual Paradise winning (no surprise), but with some workarounds when needed -- all went smoothly and QUICKLY.
Then, three houses uploaded and on a roll I knew I need to make physics models and test them on the beta grid.
OK. That last sentence is a clue to what's wrong with this picture.
3 grids worked easily and fine.
SL was neither.
I made my physics models and they worked well for the roof, door and shade lattice. When I got to the walls, the uploader balked. Not only wouldn't it recognize my physics model (I "have" done this before *wink), it wouldn't even upload using the built in physics choices. And, it was of course higher land impact than any other grid.
So I spent most of the morning redoing the walls as sections, uploading and doing some tricky stuff to get my house to be 14 li. Then on to materials.
Oh my! Issues (possibly the viewer) getting material offsets to works (again - I "have" done this before). They kept reverting. With five tries you got things to stick (fingers crossed here). Then it somehow lost materials; it goes on and on. Eventually towards the end of the day, I got my house inworld and decorated and I am happy. But the journey was not a pleasant one.
I am hoping that the new grid WILL be more content creator friendly.
Yes, I am!
This entry was posted on Friday, September 5, 2014 at 4:48 PM. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by Anonymous - September 9, 2014 at 11:23 AM
such a lovely little home :)
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